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Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Shree Anna (Millets)

A Healthy and Sustainable Alternative to Wheat and Rice

Food is essential for one’s health and well-being. The right to food is a fundamental right on par with the right to life. The food we eat and how we eat it determines our nutritional status, health, physical and mental well-being. Economic affluence, combined with sedentary lifestyles and changing food patterns, has contributed to several chronic degenerative diseases such as diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and others, due to significant changes in people’s lifestyles, owing to rapid industrialization, improved socio-economic status, enhanced health facilities, and increased life expectancy. Today, corn, wheat and rice comprise at least 89% of worldwide cereal production, in spite of the large variety of cereals traditionally available in different parts of the world. This, in turn, has caused losses in the variety of food and consequently nutrients in our diet, which together have adverse environmental and nutritional impacts. Traditionally, Millets were used by ancestors in their diets but with the era of advancement of technology, it has been lost in the diets. Thus, it is necessary to revive the millets and its products.

The year 2018 has already been declared as the National Year of Millets and India has called for declaring 2023 as the “International Year of Millets”. Millets, like the major millets, maize, and sorghum, are classified as coarse grains. India is the world’s leading producer of finger millet (ragi), kodo, and other small millets. Millets are often referred to as Superfood and its production can be seen as an approach for sustainable agriculture and a healthy world.  However, in spite of acknowledging their significance as a super food, general perception is that the millets are increasingly seen as “poor person’s food”.

Millets are a group of small, hardy grains that have been cultivated for thousands of years. They are a staple food in many parts of the world, particularly in Africa, Asia, and South America. It is scientifically proven that the Millets are group of gluten-free and low calorie cereal grains that are highly nutritious and commonly high in fibre, rich in essential amino acids, polyphenols, and proteins, naturally gluten-free, alkaline, non-allergenic, and they are thus easily digestible. They have a low glycemic index, making them ideal for people with celiac disease, diabetes, obesity or other lifestyle diseases. A low glycemic index makes them an ideal rice substitute, good for cholesterol, diabetes and weight loss, compared to corn, rice and wheat.

Millets, which are high in calcium, are crucial for the development of children, pregnant women, and malnourished people. It has a lot of potassium, which is essential for the kidneys’ and brains’ healthy operation as well as for the smooth operation of the muscles and the brain. Millets promote wellness and offer protection against non-communicable diseases. Due to the preventive effects of health-promoting phytonutrients, epidemiological studies have demonstrated that diets high in millets, particularly whole grains, are protective against non-communicable diseases like diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular diseases. More nutrients are made bio available by sprouting millets. Iron and manganese are made more bio-available by malting finger millet. Millets are typically ingested in India along with legumes, which results in a mutual protein supplement, raises the amino acid content, and improves the overall digestibility of protein.

Millets are a versatile grain that can be cooked in a variety of ways. They can be boiled, steamed, or roasted. Millets can also be used to make flour, which can be used to make any recipe such as bread, pasta, and other baked goods and ready to eat breakfast snacks by using any method of cooking. Thus, millets are a sustainable and healthy option to add in diet.

Dr. Bharti Goel (Gold medallist)

M.Sc PhD (Foods & Nutrition)

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