Beenu Rajpoot is an intelligent Indian filmmaker, known for her documentary films, lives in Delhi. She is also an Editor of “Wings of Vision Magazine ” registered with RNI (Office of the Registrar of Newspapers for India) and Gen Secretary of Agrimaa Society of Arts Delhi (a Regt Society which works for Indian art & culture). From the last one and half decade she is continuously promoting Indian Art, Culture, Literature and Health through films and other different mediums & platforms. She is also ‘Fit India Champion’ in the Fit India Movement launched by Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra Modi in Sports Authority of India (SAI).

She is also a member of IDPA (Indian Documentary Producers Association), IFTDA (Indian Film and Television Directors’ Association) and SWA (Screenwriters Association) Mumbai. Till now she has made 34 documentaries and many more are coming soon. Her documentary films have won many awards. She has worked with many superstars of Bollywood like Dharminder Deol, Akshay Kumar, Ranjit Singh, Late Tom Alter, Gautam Ghambhir, Bhasha Sambli & many more.