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Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Millets are Nutracereals

Millets are Nutracereals
Dr.Sapna Nanda, Chandigarh

Milletsare said to be the ancient foods known to humans and possibly the first cereal grain to be used for domestic purposes. Millets are exceptionally beneficial as these grow without use of chemicals and with high nutritive value. Millets are truly miraculous grains.

During the years 1960-1970’s, millets were considered as food for the poor. It slowly disappeared from the healthy diets and people started consuming low nutritional polished, junk and attractive foods. Now, it has made most of the population unfamiliar to the extent that many have not even heard some of the names like kodo millet, little millet, foxtail millet, barnyard millet and also proso millet. Millets, not only a grain or concept, but are also a culture and a symbol of national sovereignty.

 Millets have nutraceutical properties in the form of its antioxidant properties.Millets, the medicinal foods are the staple food in a fashionable manner,which needs to be taken regularly. These are the traditional grains which are now less used in the daily diet. This is mainly due to not working out the prominence and nutritional values of these grains. Millets are highly nutritious, healthy and versatile. Millets are NUTRI CEREALS.

Some of the nutritional and health benefits of Millets include:

  • It is gluten-free, has a mild flavour and adds healthy protein and fibre to the diet.
  • As millets are highly nutritious, non-glutinous, not acid forming foods, they are soothing and easy to digest.
  • Millets are known to be the least allergenic and most digestible grains available.
  • Compared to paddy rice, especially polished paddy rice, millets release a lesser percentage of glucose and over a longer period of time,hence lowers the risk of diabetes.
  • Millets are particularly high in minerals like iron, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium. Finger millet (Ragi) is the richest source of calcium, about 10 times that of paddy rice or wheat.
  • Millets are rich in dietary fibre content (9 to 15%).
  • Barnyard millet contains a highest proportion of soluble fibre of about 6.0-6.5 per cent,followed by little and kodo millets(5.7 and 5.2% respectively).
  • Further, proso and foxtail millets contain least proportions of soluble dietary fibre(4.4 and 3.4% respectively).
  • The regular use of millets helps in growing healthy, avoiding all the health problems caused due to deficiency of vital proteins, vitamins, nutrients, fibre and other important food constituents.


Moreover, millets are extremely eco-friendly.Millets grow on the most marginalized soil without irrigation and with very little or sometimes no external inputs. Besides, millets are also the pivot around which a vibrant agro-biodiversity survives. Millets are extremely eco-friendly due to following reasons:

  • Millets thrive on non-chemical agronomic practices.
  • Millets are pest-free crops.
  • Millet farming helps agro-biodiversity.
  • Millets Grow on the poorest of soils.
  • There is no need for irrigation for its cultivation.
  • For traditional farmers, millet farming needs zero energy input.
  • Not only as food but also as fodder, health, nutrition, livelihood and ecological security is provided.

Thus, while other food crops offer food security, millets offer multiple securities.A brief overview of some of the millets:

  • One of the rarest cereals that do not have any side effects andis considered a healthy diet for centuries.
  • Sorghum, popularly known in India as Jowar, is a cereal grain, which is found mostly in tropical and subtropical climates.
  • The combination of a rich concentration of calcium and magnesium works like a charm for improving bone health, while similarly, the combination of copper and iron improves blood circulation in the body.
  • Sorghum can be used as a wonderful alternative food for people suffering from gluten energy.
  • It is also extremely beneficial for maintaining stable energy levels in the body throughout the day.
  • Foxtail millets, also known as Kangani, are available in the form of rice, fine-textured flour. It is rich in dietary fibre and minerals like copper and iron.
  • The millet possesses low-glycemic index, hypolipidemic and antioxidant properties.
  • Like most millet varieties, foxtail remains under-utilized as a food source.
  • It is receiving good commercial and research attention, especially because its cultivation is not too demanding from the point of view of agricultural inputs and it can grow in difficult terrains.
  • The foxtail millet is important for enhancing nutritional and food security.
  • Pearl millet, commonly known as Bajra, is one of the most drought-resistant grains.
  • It grows in areas with frequent periods of dry weather during either the vegetative or procreative phases.
  • Pearl millet is a summer annual crop and is well-suited for double cropping and crop rotation.
  • It is deep-rooted and uses residual nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium and therefore, may not need the level of fertility required by other summer grains.
  • These features enhance pearl millet’s desirability in lower input, dryland production systems.
  • The total metabolizable energy of pearl millet is comparable to corn.
  • Crude protein level in pearl millet may vary from 12 to 14 %.
  • Barnyard millet, also known as Jhangora, is a grain crop of lesser importance.
  •  It is very drought resistant but is capable of withstanding waterlogging conditions.
  • Barnyard millet can produce ripe grain in 45 days from the sowing time under optimal weather conditions.
  • Barnyard millet does not suffer from major fungal diseases and is a valuable fodder plant.
  • It is generally grown as a rainfed crop.
  • These grains are consumed just like rice and are used in making rice pudding (kheer).
  • The digestibility of protein is 40 percent. The grain is eaten mostly by the poor classes, but sometimes it is brewed as beer.
  • It is also used as a feed for cage birds. The straw makes good fodder for cattle.
  • Finger Millet, also known as Ragi, is an important millet grown extensively in various regions of India and Africa.
  • Its scientific name is Eleusine Coracana. It ranks sixth in production after wheat, rice, maize, sorghum and bajra in India.
  • Ragi is a rich source of calcium, iron, protein, fibre and other minerals.
  • The cereal has low-fat content and contains mainly unsaturated fats.
  • It is easily digestible and does not contain gluten; people sensitive to gluten can easily consume Finger Millet.
  •  Ragi is considered as one of the most nutritious cereals
  • Little millet, commonly known as Kutki, is suitable for people of all age groups.
  • Little millet is grown throughout India and is a traditional crop.
  • It is a relative of proso millet but the seeds of little millet are much smaller than proso millet.
  • Little millets, with its low carbohydrate content, slow digestibilityand low water-soluble gum content have been attributed to improve glucose metabolism.
  • The grains release sugar slowly in the blood and slow down glucose absorption.
  • The dietary fibre and resistant starch in this millet exhibits hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic effects
  • Kodo millet, scientifically knows as Paspalums crobiculatum, is an annual grain that is grown primarily in India.
  • It is grown as a minor crop in most of these areas, with the exception of the Deccan plateau in India where it is grown as a major food source.
  • Kodo millet is a good substitute for rice or wheat. Its protein, fibre and mineral content are much higher than that of major cereals like rice. It is cooked just like rice or ground into flour.
  • It provides balanced nutrition, unlike polished white rice.
  • Kodo millet reduces fasting blood glucose levels and promotes a significant increase in serum insulin levels.
  • Anti-diabetic compounds in Kodo are quercetin, ferulic acid, p-hydroxybenzoic acid, vanillic acid and syringic acid.
  • Thus, its regular use is recommended for diabetic patients.

Millets are a veritable storehouse of health and nutrition. Millets are, thus, the best food grains collection, which are highly rich in protein, fibre, minerals and other forms of vitamins and minerals and hence known as NUTRICEREALS.

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